Unlimited Spray Tans. 50% Off. Click Here.


Hydration Spray Tan Cleveland

To keep your tan looking its best after your first rinse, follow these aftercare tips:

  • Hydrate and moisturize. Drink a lot of water and use lotion at least twice a day. Hydrated skin will allow for longer lasting results and natural, even fading. (Hint: the quality of the lotion and the ingredients it contains do make a difference)
  • Choose gentle products. Harsh soaps, exfoliants and oil-based products are going to cause the tan to fade quickly.
  • Avoid shaving/hair removal. If you cannot avoid, use a brand new razor and use conditioner instead of shaving cream.
  • Pat dry. When drying off after showers, pat dry. Do not rub.

Recommended Products. As mentioned above, the products you use every day can make a big difference in how well and how long your tan lasts.

Below are our personal favorites, which can be purchased at your appointment or through our online boutique.

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